PSA on doorings: check your mirrors!

frank j. bauer frankbauer at
Mon Sep 28 13:39:36 PDT 2009

actually they are not banned by default, but rather only where 
specifically prohibited by a posted sign:

for example bicycle traffic is a common occurrence on many stretches of 
highway 101.

john at wrote:
> Bicycles are SPECIFICALLY banned from freeways ( i.e. limited access 
> highways) in California.  There's a sign to that effect on most, if not 
> all, points of entry.  The prohibition extends to pedestrians and motor 
> driven cycles (such as mopeds, scooters, and the like).  There are but a 
> few exceptions, such as bridges and bridge approaches where no other 
> practical path is available, and then there are clearly signed and 
> marked bicycle/pedestrian lanes.  John

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