Changing strut shock.
bournej at
Mon Aug 9 06:05:01 PDT 2010
Do you have a part number for the heavy-duty ur-q strut bearing? or for the
model number/type of the ur-q, so I can look it up in the fa.
From: "Grant Lenahan" <glenahan at>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 2:17 AM
To: "Al" <bournej at>
Cc: <Quattro at>
Subject: Re: Changing strut shock.
> you do need to counter-hold the damper shaft to remove the nut.I used an
> offset (z-shaped) open end wrench, or you can make one out of a cheapie.
> I dont knwo what the other tool is, nor do i care. In the day i survived
> many shock jobs on a 90q20v without one :-)
> The strut is under tons of tension even when removed. It can expand a
> couple more inches.
> I prefer to do the job once. That means good quality shocks ( you decide
> the valving - that's a personal call) and get the heavy-duty (ur-q) strut
> top bearings, which, IMNSHO, are usually the reason you need to og in
> there in the first place.
> Grant
> On Aug 8, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Al wrote:
>> '90 80
>> Hi guys,
>> Will I need all of the tools called out in Bentley? Like the socket Tool
>> # 3078, that has a side chewed out, so the hex wrench can hold the shaft
>> while turning the nut. Will enough tension be released by removing the
>> strut from the wheel housing , allowing it to hang down, so I can turn
>> the nut without a tool, just a socket?
>> Or the tool WV524 that has two ears to remove the slotted nut, that hold
>> down the strut mounting w/bearing. Wouldn't a long needle nose pliers do
>> the same thing?
>> My strut mountings have 40K on them, replace or leave. OEM or something
>> better.
>> Besides a device to compress the springs, anything else I need to know?
>> Thanks,
>> Al
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