Changing strut shock.

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Mon Aug 9 18:35:58 PDT 2010

Again, i cant say since i have not owned such a car for 10 years

but someone did give a p/n earlier...

As to goog and Bing - dont sign in.  Accuracy = corpus size. The big guys are vastly better.  There's no way around it.

On Aug 9, 2010, at 9:31 PM, Al wrote:

> Grant,
> I'll check them out. I normally don't use google, bing, because they track everything. I use ixquick, because they don't. NAC
> I did find a mount made by a German co.,  Meyle, that uses the term heavy duty.  8A0 412 323D at
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Grant Lenahan" <glenahan at>
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 2:22 PM
> To: "Al" <bournej at>
> Cc: "Tony Lum" <tlum at>; <quattro at>
> Subject: Re: Changing strut shock.
>> I'll just point out that when i booted up Bing, and typed in "034" the first thing that popped up was
>> "" I did it on a hunch.
>> Grant
>> On Aug 9, 2010, at 8:15 PM, Al wrote:
>>> Sorry, but I don't recognize "034". Do you have an url?
>>> Al
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Tony Lum" <tlum at>
>>> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 9:14 AM
>>> To: <quattro at>
>>> Subject: RE: Changing strut shock.
>>>> 034 sells a heavy duty replacement strut bearing that won't rip.  They
>>>> also sell a race ready strut bearing which you DON'T want.  Just put a set
>>>> in my coupe GT.
>>>> Tony
>>>> '83 ur-quattro #302
>>>> 87.5 coupe GT special build
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Grant Lenahan
glenahan at

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