4000s cuts out at 2200 rpm????

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Tue Aug 10 07:35:50 PDT 2010

vacuum advance working?

On 8/10/2010 10:18 AM, donald grady wrote:
> it started as a no spark issue. swapped a couple of parts and when i came to the dist. she flashed right up with the new one, but it won't rev past 2200. it just cuts out and catches at 1500 or close to it then climbs to 2200 and does it again. the only thing that has bees changed is the dist(and i tried 2 with the same result) and the coil. i'm going out to put the original coil back in just in case, but that shouldn't be the issue since the car it came from was running till i started stripping it earlier this summer. any idea's? 		 	   		
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