Frustrations set in.. prematurely? (SAME 84 start issue)

Johnny B pre95 at
Mon Aug 16 13:26:03 PDT 2010

Hey Ed, Rob,

Thanks for the insight. I have been tracking my movements in 1/8th turns at a time. So far I am 1/4 turn from the starting position and I have gotten more power, and cold start was a touch easier. Today I am meeting up with a fellow which has the proper tuning harness needed for the DPR to be tuned with a voltmeter. This still may very well be a static adjustment issue, though the previous owner had said adjusting rich did help the start problem, it never fully cured it. I'm hoping he had a vacuum leak on top of the adjustment too lean causing this issue. 


> From: ekellock at
> To: rob3 at; quattro at
> Subject: RE: Frustrations set in.. prematurely? (SAME 84 start issue)
> Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 13:40:46 -0600
> In addition, as I recall, or at least maybe just for me, the direction of
> adjustment was opposite of what seemed intuitive to me.  I think I went in
> thinking clockwise was richer and vice versa, but learned that it is the
> other way around due to the mechanical relationship inside.
> Ed
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of rob
> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 1:34 PM
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Re: Frustrations set in.. prematurely? (SAME 84 start issue)
>    In various past situations I've taken the liberty of playing with the 
> basic fuelling adjustment (the one that you set with the 3mm allen key), 
> just to get a feel for whether I make the problem better or worse by leaning
> or richening the mix.
> Obviously in a lambda situation the system will make adjustments but thats 
> only in closed loop mode.
>  You do need to keep track of your adjustments of course otherwise you may 
> well screw up. I tend to keep a notepad and use a tommy bar allen key so as 
> I can record e.g. 2nd Jan 3 flats clockwise..  10 Jan 1 flat anticlockwise..
>  This may work for you or may not, good luck, Rob.
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