Fuel Distributor question

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Tue Aug 17 15:32:56 PDT 2010

Could be, I suppose.  Or a sticking throttle plate, or...

If you don't touch the go pedal, is there any power behind those revs?

I copied the list with this reply, others there know much more than I 
about the system on your car.

On 8/17/2010 10:46 AM, Joel Skousen wrote:
> Huw,
> Been a long time fan of your posts on Audifans.com. I had a fuel
> contamination problem with one of my 5TQ (87) and the fuel distributor
> got very clogged and had to be replaced with a good one from one of my
> parts cars. Upon start up, the engine revs to 3,000 and won't adjust
> downward. Replaced warm up regulator but no change. Could this be a bad
> throttle idle switch?
> Best, Joel

Huw Powell



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