
Ed Kellock ekellock at
Thu Dec 2 13:37:53 PST 2010

Interestingly I'm having that problem with my email address and the
audifans server... all of sudden, after 3-4 years of use to send to the
lists, just about every one gets stopped as possible spam.  


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Michael McLaughlin
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 2:15 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: RE: gmail???

I've had the same problem - e-mail to my sister, wife, friends, etc.,  
with gmail accounts was being dumped into their spam folder for no  
apparent reason. It worked fine for years, and suddenly was all being  
filtered, even though I'm in all of their address books. Short of  
contacting them another way and saying, "Hey, if you could fish my e- 
mails out of your spam filter and mark them as not spam, that would be  
great," I found no other solution.

Audi content: Um... my Passat is basically an Audi.  :-)

-Mike in Spokane, Wash.

> My problem with gmail is that when I try to send mail to a gmail 
> client it bounces.  The whizzes at gmail have apparently branded my 
> mail as spam.  So - if you use gmail and are expecting email from 
> me..., well lotsa luck.  Gmail, well - pizzonem.
> Bob
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