Ben Swann and his driveway

LL - NY larrycleung at
Sun Feb 7 14:20:19 PST 2010

I had a '75 Saab 99 (no turbos back then) which had the stock 7" of ground
clearance and the stock skid plates (no, really!). This was on M+S's.
Although not quite as invincible as my 4000q (I swear the locking diffs made
the difference, in spite of it's lack of ground clearance), I used to use it
to chase around 4WD pick-me-up trucks on the trails around Wachusett
Reservior as entertainment after classes. Never got stuck. Then again, I'm
sure I would've gotten stuck sooner than I got the //S6 with EDL (joke)
stuck the only time I got the UrS stuck.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 3:53 PM, <TWFAUST at> wrote:

> "I have yet to try the Eurovan with snow tires, and
> wouldn't be  surprised if it gets down the road withoug getting stuck since
> it is  much
> higher and should clear those high spots."
> I think you will be amazed at the difference, it is all about ground
> clearance.  About 15 years ago, I had a '89 turbo Plymouth Minivan. I never
> measured the ground clearance, it was significant, it would pull out of
> just
> about any amount of snow. That was with just M&S tires. Not to mention that
> carrying 1/2 a ton of sand for really bad spots was no problem.  As to the
> AWD's, if there is no traction for 2 wheels, there is no  traction for 4.
> Tom Faust
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