Ben Swann and his driveway

Mon Feb 8 12:47:31 PST 2010


> ... beg to differ on the "no difference between 2WD and AWD"   
> comment ... I
> think it has been proven pretty conclusively that  "traction" for a 2WD
> vehicle is different than "traction" for an AWD  vehicle. > The other 
thing that mystifies me a bit is where do you put  that  
> sand?  I
> guess you shovel it on the road?   I'm pretty sure the Plymouth is a  
> FWD ...
> which already  puts the weight where you want it.
> Steve Buchholz
I  suppose my comment overstates the matter. I meant if there is "zero" 
traction, I  don't think it matters whether you have two wheels without 
traction, or four  wheels without traction. So long as there is minimal traction, 
there is no doubt  AWD would help. This thought comes to mind often when I 
see people in SUV's  whistling down icy roads. I suppose this is why they are 
so often seen in the  "gutters" off the local interstate.
About the sand, you're correct. It was for sanding when necessary. The  
weight is little more than 5 fat passengers. Although I had the dealer 
installed  300hp "kit", and could have handled the weight, I rarely carried that 
much  weight in sand. I did frequently find myself carrying that weight in 
other  items. That was during my "mopar, or no car" period. I once carried a 440 
and an  automatic transmission around in it for 2 months before I figured 
where to put  it.
Tom Faust

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