5000TQ Avant Starting Problems

john at westcoastgarage.net john at westcoastgarage.net
Tue Feb 9 09:36:06 PST 2010

Stephen Sherman wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">One other 
> thought. ~10 years ago on another 5000TQ Avant we had, I vaguely 
> recall a repair to the ignition switch that I did. IIRC there is a 
> shaft that connects the ignition lock tumbler to the electrical 
> switch, and over time that shaft twists some.  The repair was to twist 
> the shaft back a bit to get it closer to its original alignment.
> This ring any bells with anyone? I no longer recall the symptoms this 
> had, but if it causes the electrical switch to not rotate far enough 
> into the start position, seems like it may be related...
> </div>
That shaft is pot metal.  Twisting = breaking.  John

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