One person brake bleeder, what do you recommend?

hayes myers hayesmyers at
Wed Feb 10 13:47:14 PST 2010

By the same logic one would be paying the dealer to bleed the brakes... the
markup on the homebrew vs purchase product 333%. I like that kind of return
on my investment...and enjoy working on my making a bleeder would
coincide with wanting to work on one's own vehicle.  I hear what you are
saying... but most people overestimate the value of their own time (or try
to associate it with their work pay level). I was guilty...when i drove my
07 A6... but now with the oldskewl 200 i like to fix it myself (most shops
will destroy it or rip you off) and for sure enjoy saving 42 dollars.  My
hardware store is about...oh...30 seconds from my house.  That being said,
it can be a pain to find the right stuff for projects like this...and it is
tempting to place an order for a finished product.  My preference is to
build it.... and there will always be those on either side of the coin.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 1:35 PM, <jungle at> wrote:

> $60 vs $18......the time to run to the hardware store and assemble it,
> made it worth while to just buy one from FYI, don't go
> above 12psi on an will cause the resivor to leak at the
> seam.....DOH!

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