How to do a PDF of an ETKA page WAS Oil cooler sealing ring on 1989 type 89 coupe

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at
Thu Feb 11 09:36:14 PST 2010


On the Vista 64/ETKA7 machine I have, I remember now, I have CutePDF and it
works in almost one click !

You use the Print button on the ETKA page, choose the Portrait with all
pages format, then choose cutePDF printer (that you installed before), and
that's it. You do a "virtual" print, and it creates 

It works as well as the genuine PDF Writer I have on the older machine.


-----Message d'origine-----

Louis-Alain Richard wrote:
> Anyone knows the real way to do a PDF out of ETKA 7 ?

It's not simple or one-click, but it works for me (running
Ubuntu Linux) using open source tools that are available
under Windows ...

1. Bring up the Etka page/image.

2. Save the image to the clip board with "print screen" -- on Ubuntu,
that's Alt-PrtSc (the Alt key and the Print Screen key (PrtSc in the
top row) together)). Windows might use the Ctrl-PrtSc key for the entire
screen and Alt-PrtSc for just the active window.

3. Use OpenOffice [1] to create a blank document.

4. Paste (Ctrl-V) the image into the blank OpenOffice document.

5. Use the menu File->"Export as PDF" and save the document to PDF format.

[1] Get a Windows (or other) copy of OpenOffice here:

Kent McLean
1990 V8 w/5-speed and other mods
1991 200 TQA #3, with mods
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
gone: '91 200 TQA x2, '94 100 S Avant, '89 200 TQ "Bad Puppy"

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