Audi "green" ad

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Thu Feb 11 13:24:47 PST 2010

From: "TWFAUST at" <TWFAUST at>
To: quattro at
Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 3:51:23 PM
Subject: Re:  Audi "green" ad

I noticed most comments described it as a sardonic view of a future that  
hasn't occurred. Having suffered well over $250,000 in "environmental 
takings",  I find that hard to accept.

If you think the future isn't here, check out this cut from the minutes of  
the Cambridge Climate Emergency Board:

""Need to change community norms and  expectations such that it is all 
right to tell your neighbors what they can and  cannot do in the realm of 
climate change‐related behavior." (Notes 11.)" this  has the backing of the 
current mayor, and 7 previous mayors. 

The "Green Police" are not far  behind.

They are also seeking to find an inland  "sister city" where the citizens 
of Cambridge can go when the seas begin to  rise. Bear in mind, this is not a 
bunch of "concerned citizens", it is a branch  of government.
But it's also Cambridge, which is not to be confused with reality..... ;-)

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

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