hard fuel line size?

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 17 05:42:15 PST 2010

The hard fuel lines on my UrS cars were 8 mm OD. I replaced the lines on my
S6 with Nylon 11 plastic fuel line using special compression fittings to
connect the plastic line to the stub ends of the metal lines after I'd cut
out the old metal lines at the front and rear connections. The Nylon 11 line
is 8 mm OD and 6mm ID. You could also use 5/16" metal line - I did that on
my S4 but went to plastic on my S6 when I noticed the metal lines on the S4
were rusting after 1 year of service. The OEM Audi metal line is
copper-plated and epoxy-coated; the galvanized line that NAPA et al sells
doesn't even come close to the OEM line for corrosion resistance. The Nylon
line does though :)


Fred Munro
'97 S6

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Ewan Hopkins
Sent: February 17, 2010 7:12 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: hard fuel line size?



I'm looking to replace hard fuel lines on a '91 10v CQ and also a 94 80
avant TDI. As far as I can see they are the same size on both cars. The
dealer is quoting GBP200+ for a replacement. I can get replacement pipe and
unions elsewhere but I need the size. Does anyone know the inner/outer
diameter of the metal fuel lines?




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