95 A6 quattro wagon minor issue

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Fri Feb 19 08:54:21 PST 2010

A car wash is a nice test for any car, leaking wise. Drop the rear seatback,
empty the well of anything (cover, carpet, tire, etc), and have someone look
while washing the car. You'll find it easily.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] De
la part de Grant Lenahan
Envoyé : 19 février 2010 11:12
À : Dan DiBiase
Cc : beattyr2003 at cox.net; v6-12v at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
Objet : Re: 95 A6 quattro wagon minor issue

i was planning to suggest both the things that have already been tried. 
In my 1995 a6q, i drilled a small exit hole int eh fiber tub and that 
solved the problem totally.

However, my alternative was to get in the tub with a flashlight and let 
someone douse the car.


Dan DiBiase wrote:
> Had a similar issue when I had my windshield replaced a few years ago.
Before taking it back to the glass shop, I wanted to try
> and see where it was leaking. So I used a hose , moving slowly around the
windshield, from bottom to top, and found that it was
> dead center on the top. Perhaps you could try the same thing, it might
take a while as you wet one area then wait to see whether
> water has entered the well.
>  Dan D
> '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
> Central NJ USA
> ________________________________
> From: "beattyr2003 at cox.net" <beattyr2003 at cox.net>
> To: quattro at audifans.com; v6-12v at audifans.com
> Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 9:46:21 AM
> Subject: 95 A6 quattro wagon minor issue
> Couple of problems that i have been unable to solve as of yet with my ex's
1995 A6 Avant.
> 1.  Water accumulating in the spare well.  The car had its hatch replaced
a few years ago after I closed it normally and the window shattered on me...
yeah that was a good weekend heh.  I did not install the hatch, we had a
local glass shop do it.  So it keeps leaking and finally the last time I saw
the car, I drilled some holes in the well to keep the water from staying in
the well and rusting everything.  However, there is still moisture
accumulating underneath.  I did discover some corrosion at the base of the
window above the windshield, that I filled and sealed, this was last summer.
I figured that would solve the problem.  It hasnt.  The seal all around the
hatch appears to be in good shape and I am at a loss as to where to look
next for leaks.  Does anyone have any btdt for this?  
> Thanks!
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