[urq] Toyota should be talking to Audi....NAC

dgraber460 at aol.com dgraber460 at aol.com
Thu Feb 25 21:30:09 PST 2010

In the FWIW dept, anyone interested in some pertinent info regarding the current Toyota issue should refer to the March, Car & Driver, p. 34.
They tested several vehicles for braking ability at highway speeds with the accelerator _floored_. All cars stopped _very_ close to no throttle distances with the exception of a 540 HP Roush Mustang, which did have difficulty overcoming the massive thrust.
It would seem once again that the media juggernaut and mass hysteria rule the day.


-----Original Message-----
From: boomer <boomerbaird at gmail.com>
To: urq at audifans.com
Sent: Thu, Feb 25, 2010 4:38 pm
Subject: [urq] Toyota should be talking to Audi....

I am sick and tired of hearing about the toyota unintended
cceleration. The testimony by the lady in Tennessee reminds me of all
he people who swore up and down that their Audi drove off while they
ushed with both feet on the brake. Most of these cases found the car
o be in fine physical shape and the conclusion was that they were
tanding on the accelerator pedal. America learn how to drive! I love
hat she states how she called her husband when her car was supposedly
areening down the highway by itself at over a hundred miles an hour.
ersonal responsibility no longer exists in America. Audi got lucky
hat their U.I.A. happened when there was less time for the networks
o console the idiot public for their lack of skill and intelligence.
ant over, I was just surprised no one had brought up the obvious
imilarity. boomer
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