[urq] Toyota should be talking to Audi....NAC

Nick Lawrence nick at beol.net
Fri Feb 26 06:32:14 PST 2010

For my understanding,   on cars that have software to override the 
accelerator when the brake is applied, to what degree does this happen?  For 
example with brake on will the engine just make idle speed/power?
Also I don't have racing experience so what scenario in racing benefits from 
power on with brakes?
Thanks for the explanations.

Nick  central Ohio

> It is my understanding from the reports that Toyota's drive-by-wire
> system does not override the accelerator when the brake is applied.
> VAG cars do, I believe, and probably most others...  so this
> would be a software issue, but Toyota has not (yet) admitted to
> an any software problem with regard to the UA issue.  This
> is not to be confused with the separate Prius recall which _is_
> software related.
> Whatever the real problem is, it's like peeling an onion and
> I am sure we haven't heard the last of it yet.
> -Ti
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