5000TQ Avant Starting Problems
Robert Myers
bob at chips-ur-s.com
Thu Jan 7 15:27:43 PST 2010
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The '87 5Ktsq uses starter part # 035-911-023-LX. What, if any, is
the difference between the LX and QX versions? You got me.
At 06:14 PM 1/7/2010, Stephen Sherman wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>Thanks DK, that is it.
>Now the question which of these starters on pg 3 fit the 5000CS 5cyl
>engine with 5sp tranny. None specifically list it, but it looks like
>035-911-023-QX which fits 88-92 Audi 80/90 and 95-98 A6/S6 and 89-91
>Audi 100's should work for an 87 5000CSTQ (weren't those all 5 cyl engines).
>Anyone know for sure if that one will fit (or if one of the others will)?
>DK wrote:
> > That should be the link your looking for
> > http://www.vwparts.com/parts-outlet-center/index.php
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