A6 replacement brakes

speedracer.mark at gmail.com speedracer.mark at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 15:30:39 PST 2010

I think he might be attempting to explain initial pad "bite."  John is correct... A more aggressive pad wouldn't cause a car to not activate ABS as often.  Perhaps changing parts, flushing fluid, and lubricating the sliders is the cause of his strange ABS observation?

Mark Rosenkrantz
Sent from my CrackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "john at westcoastgarage.net" <john at westcoastgarage.net>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 13:57:33 
To: Eliot Sennett<emsennett at hotmail.com>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: A6 replacement brakes

Eliot Sennett wrote:
> Hi:
> Quite a while back I asked for recommendations for new brake pads for my
> 2006 A6 Quattro and received some nice suggestions, along with requests that
> I let people know what I did. A couple weeks back, I got Hawk Performance
> Ceramics, front part# HB538Z.760 rear part# HB544Z.628, and also put in new
> rotors.
> Although I'd been warned that in this car aftermarket brakes are notoriously
> noisy, these are quiet as a mouse. They stop really well, although factory
> brakes are pretty good too. You can hit them really hard and they'll stop
> fast without ABS kicking in, unless the road is really slick.
> I can't tell yet about their claim of being nearly dust-free, because I
> haven't cleaned the black dust from the original brakes off the wheels yet.
> Also, the parts seem to be much cheaper than the factory parts. The pads
> were $125 front and $75 rear.
> Eliot 
> ABS "kicks in" when it senses a deviation in wheel speed, one from another.  The quality of the brake pads or rotors has little, if anything, to do with it.  John

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