Toyota UA-LAC

brian hoeft qweblog at
Thu Jan 28 06:56:49 PST 2010

what we need here is further expansion of federal US control and diminished
individual responsibility. lets petition congress for another agency. theres
already 30 plus czars unlawfully interfering, whats one more.. oh wait, we
already have a car czar.

pardon my cynical rant, but the sensationalized media blasting of particular
topics and willful disregard of what really matters gets me quite surly.

im also not particularly fond of the lack of mechanical interfacing on new
and upcoming automobiles. theory and calculations are one thing, practical
application is another. i personally support properly installed/maintained
mechanical devices and am pleased to have cars & principles that are
in-congruent with certain political agendas like a GPS based tax initiative
and other BS that these headlines are prompting the sheople to accept and
worse, request.


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Louis-Alain Richard
<larichard at>wrote:

> On Jan 27, 2010, at 7:32 PM, "Louis-Alain Richard"
> <laraa at> wrote:
> >
> > Throttle is electronic on any car with ESP or traction control,
> > because the
> > ESP/ABS module must cut engine power when regulating TC or ESP.
> >
> As a side note, there are plenty of ESP/TC equipped vehicles without
> drive by wire. BMW used to use (on all models) a second throttle body
> ahead of the one connected to the go pedal that was natually open and
> closed by the TC system. Other TC methods reduce ignition timing
> advance, cut fuel on random individual cylinders, and (if equipped)
> reduce boost.
> -Cody (mobile)
> _______________________________________________
> Thanks Cody, I stand corrected, as I forgot these early TC systems. My
> mistake.
> Louis-Alain
> _______________________________________________
> quattro mailing list

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