Brake Bleeder Screw

urq urq at
Thu Jan 28 12:59:18 PST 2010

... if you are looking at buying a new set of wrenches you might consider
getting flare nut wrenches.  Of course they aren't needed for the brake
bleeder, but a boxed end wrench won't work on many lines (brake, clutch,

Flare nut wrenches are typically 6-point.  

Steve Buchholz

-----Original Message-----

Yes, 6 point (no 12 point) 10 mm box wrench. 


-----Message d'origine-----

What is the box end wrench size for the bleeder screw for a 1986 Audi type
44? For what other cars is the same box end wrench size applicable?
I am told only to use a 6 point box end wrench.


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