Toyota UA-LAC

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Fri Jan 29 08:06:16 PST 2010

name calling aside, which may be jolly good fun, does anyone truly doubt 
that the plane ingested two Canada Geese?

Have you (the collective you) ever looked at the skies around La Guardia?

Do you know the size of Canada Geese? Been attacked by one on a golf 
course lately? They're BIG.

Its a miracle this doesn't happen more often.

For the recor, i dont much like computer controls when they over-ride my 
actions. But i also admit that modern cars run better, longer and with 
fewer problems than old ones. Remember the good old days - like points?


Brett Dikeman wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Scruggs Family <gjkzscruggs at> wrote:
>> Low on any list of credible observers in an airline incident is the typical
>> passenger.
> -The statements I read from the NTSB said that because everyone
> survived and the incident occurred in a metropolitan area under heavy
> video surveillance, the situation was ideal for investigators.
> -All the crew and passengers reported the same thing.  Bang, fuel
> odor, quiet (not "idling" noises, NO noise).  Flight attendants
> described the plane being "quiet as a library".  The black box was
> recovered and found no evidence of this supposed engine control unit
> intervention, nor did it contradict any of the witness reports.
> -The co-pilot tried multiple times to re-light the engines.  Idling
> engines do not need re-lighting.
> -The APU activated, as did the Ram Air Turbine.  Seems unlikely if
> both engines were idling.
> -The NTSB reported that the birds were larger than what engines are
> designed to withstand.  The pilot described flying directly into a
> "large flock."
> As Cobram pointed out, this isn't an NTSB list.  I posted only to keep
> another birther or idiotic 9-11 rumor from getting furthered.  I've
> said all I can say.
> -B
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