why we drive old cars (was Toyota UA-LAC)

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sun Jan 31 17:00:50 PST 2010

He said:
"So, I am thinking about a Chevy XJ-6. I see Cody Forbes is on this  
board, I
was just offered an $1800 928, maybe I should talk to him."

RUN RUN, RUN FAST AND RUN FAR!!!! A $7500 928 is a nightmare waiting  
to happen. A $1800 928 is somebodys current nightmare they want to  
wake up from. The 928 is simply the worst Porsche ever made. A Chevy  
V8 conversion fixes half of the problems, but even with a good engine  
the chassis still sucks as far as reliability is concerned.

I have vowed many times before that if I ever hit a decent lottery I  
will buy every 928 I can find and sell tickets to the event where I  
will crush every last one flat.

-Cody (mobile)

On Jan 31, 2010, at 6:48 PM, TWFAUST at aol.com wrote:

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