Optima in a type 44

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sun Jan 31 18:05:53 PST 2010

Scruggs Family wrote:
> I'm in the market for a new battery for my '87 5kCSTq and am interested in
> the Optima brand.
> The normal lead/acid batt requires a tube to vent the byproduct hydrogen
> from under the rear seat the Optima folks don't list an application for the
> type 44.  Strikes me that because the Optima is not a lead/acid design and
> therefore doesn't produce hydrogen to be vented then why not just mount what
> will fit... even on its side. 

That's my understanding. I had a gel battery in a motorcycle
that found itself on it's side (more than once :), and the
battery was fine -- no leaks, no worries.  Get what fits
dimensionally, with the positive and negative terminals on
the correct side for the cables.


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