Old cars

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 20:19:21 PST 2010

Aw, come on, it's wasn't THAT bad now was it?  The car I was "allowed" to
use in my senior year of HS was a 1967 Ford Country Squire (sadly, the
chassis is essentially the same as a current Crown Vic, seriously). I used
it regularly to chase around friends in Camaros. The trick was to set the
nose into the turn, wait for the chassis to roll and take a set against all
of the compliance over the rear (live) axle, THEN power through. It did slow
things down in tight transitions (an autocrosser it wasn't) but on open
2ndary and tertiary roads, it could hold its own. I would admit, that the
radials Dad put on it were a huge step up from the bias plies that used to
be on it. Perhaps that was what was on the LTD Steve's dad rented. I guess
it depends upon the year.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:00 PM, SteveR <srosen at starxray.com> wrote:

> >
> > I remember when I was 17 and on a family trip to California my
> > father rented an LTD. He let me drive fo awhile down 101 and after
> > 15 minutes I gave him back the wheel. Too much work driving it. I
> > think now that trip got me into driving Porsches.
> >
> >

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