Car Talk Posting

Max Hoepli mhoepli at
Thu Jul 1 16:51:31 PDT 2010

I found this posted in a Car-Fix-It site, What is the problem here?

My Car is a Lemon

Posted by: H Kara
on Wed, 16 Jun 2010 22:21:08 GMT
After much discussion last time around, I filed a complaint with the
Consumer Protection Agency last month.
Today I finally heard from an Audi Mediator and I explained the whole story
and told him I wanted a buy back or another car.
He told me that under Maryland law they are entitled to try and fix the
problem once a complaint has been filed. I told him that they had 8 chances
to fix it. They have replaced the brake pads and calipers and the noise is
still there and getting louder and worse every time I drive it. But since it
is and intermittent noise the dealer claims that if they don't hear it there
is no problem. Even though they have heard it in the past.
I asked the Audi Rep, if they did not hear a noise why then did they replace
parts that did not need replacing? I also asked him what happens if the
factory rep. hears it and can fix it, am I stuck with the car?
His answer was yes, because the car now is fixed. And if the factory rep.
doesn't hear a noise, then there is no problem and I am still stuck with
this car. So either way I am screwed. All this servicing has greatly
diminished the value of the car, even though it only has 3,000 miles on it.
But looking through all my papers, I have filed to separate complaints with
2 different lawyers. With the first lawyer I never got a response from Audi.
The second lawyer emailed me saying Audi wanted to give me $2500 and I got
to keep the lemon.
This is the first time I have heard from Audi directly. Every time I filed a
complaint I have a service record that shows the car was back in the shop
for another attempted repair.
Every record says customer complains of a loud groaning noise coming from
the steering. Yet they never did anything to the steering except top off the
fluid. But they replaced the brakes parts.
Can anyone explain this, and does anyone know anything about this law? After
8 tries do I have to let them try and fix it again?
My mediator at the Consumer Protection Agency is on Vacation, can't get any
answers from her. Plus as she has told me a few times, she is not a lawyer.

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