Coolant Top-Offs

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Fri Jul 23 14:07:16 PDT 2010

So I had to top-off the coolant in my son's 2003 Jetta today (1.8T) - and I went 
to my local FLAPS and bought the
Pentosin G12 at $23 for 1.5 liter container (!). Did a little research and came 
across this article -

Key sentence seems to be this one (referring to Havoline Dex-Cool and Prestone 
Extended Life orange coolant) -

"The two orange extended-life antifreezes are compatible with each other, with 
what's factory-fill in GM cars and the 

'99 Mercury Cougar, and with the pink in VW/Audi cars."

Is anyone using either of these coolants in their Audi or VW?

 Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

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