Double Dead End... Ignition Switch

Paul Caouette paxnobis at
Mon Jul 26 20:03:09 PDT 2010

Well folks,

I did it again!

It wasn't the switch body after all.

I installed the switch locked down the set screws and turned the
Took out the switch and used a screw driver to turn it and ...everything

A flashlight and mirror confirmed my worst fear. The pot metal tang that the
switch body fits into was AWOL. So, it wasn't a faulty switch after all.

Damned if I didn't fix the wrong thing.....again!

This time I did take time to look in the Audifans data base for info on how
to remove the key tumbler etc. Nada!

Is this going to be as difficult as I'm fearing.

Any advice would be certainly appreciated.

Paul Caouette

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