VW 1l engine car for real

hayes myers hayesmyers at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 14:57:21 PDT 2010

have to wonder about comments about a coffin. Same people are still driving
their full size Suburban and drinking Schlitz all day long.... and are also
responsible for the lovely North American auto industry's current status.

If it's a coffin maybe they 'll throw in a burial plot for you already.
Having owned/ridden numerous beyond hypersport motorcyles..this little
machine is a safe haven.  Especially if we get rid of all the amerikan
muscle off the road.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:17 PM, 7013885254 <chance9121 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Haha, your last line reminded me of the wuote ' I'm alll out of
> bubblegum'...
> But wait! A new car for under 2K?  I am seeing the future...and in about
> 6months you can buy a new 2010 Toyota base corolla for about that.  Hell
> toyota might pay you to remove their current fleet of lawn ornaments,erm...
> Cars!  from dealer lots!
> Ah but alas back to reality.  Vice the little vw mileage-getter,  how about
> a westfield or a locust instead : )
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