200QA suddenly no start, no spark

urq urq at pacbell.net
Fri Mar 19 21:54:53 PDT 2010

?????  The engine was running, then died and you decide to swap ECUs?  I
must say that I've never had to replace an ECU ... even after taking one
apart, adding a socket and installing a QLCC chip ... 

You did verify some of the basics ... dizzy spinning means that your timing
belt is OK ... You may want to check that the reference marks are all lined
up; if the dizzy is out of sync with the flywheel the engine won't start
even though the dizzy is spinning.

Don't assume that the no spark situation means that there's a problem with
ignition, the ECU can decide not to spark because there's something else
wrong.  I must say that I'm a bit surprised that you didn't get more codes
than the 4444 ... but it may be that the 20V is a bit smarter ... IME you
will see a speed sensor or reference sensor code if the engine is cranked
without firing.  You did try starting the car before pulling codes, right?

I'd say put the car back together the way it was ... by any chance does it
start now?  If not ... 

 * Do you hear the fuel pump buzzing?  If not you might want to jumper the
fuel pump relay to see if that doesn't make the pump run.  If you hear the
pump run, it probably means that one of the flywheel/dizzy sensors isn't
working right.  

 * I don't think the 20V has the problems with intake leaks as the 10V did.
On my '88 5kCSQA the crankcase vent hose disintegrated and the engine would
not start.  You may want to do some research on this ... or perhaps someone
with a 20VT can chime in with typical problems that can cause a gross

Good luck!
Steve Buchholz

-----Original Message-----

Well folks,

Went to go out for for lunch today. Car started right up. Ran for about 7
seconds then died. Cranks no problem. No hint of start.

Switched to friemnds 996 911 - cramped with 3 people  - and had a very good
lunch at an Indian food buffet.

Up our return, spent about an hour diagnosing:

1. No spark
2. Swapped ECU, still no spark
3. Pulled "no start" codes - nothing reported other than 4444. which means
the hall, timing and engine speed sensore signals are all OK  - at least as
far as the compuer goes?
4. Checked that the rotor is going roundy round - it was

Only thing I can think of is that its the coil died - any other ideas?

Thanks for any suggestion!

90 200QA 230K Getting cranky

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