[V8] The Ultimate Drivel Machine.

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 09:50:04 PDT 2010

Must be U.S. statistics.  Have a hard time believing Germans could think
that the 1 series is a front-driver (or for that manner any spirited US

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 12:36 PM, <cobram at juno.com> wrote:

> Can't say I'm that surprised, having answered the phone at a friends shop
> many a time when the conversation went something like this:
> "Yes, I think I left my car there, I want to know if it's ready."
> "OK, I don't see your name on any slips, which car is it?"
> "Ahhh, the blue BMW (Mercedes, Audi, etc.)"
> "What is it?  There are 5 blue cars waiting to get picked up."
> "Dammit, it's the BLUE one, I don't know what kind it is."
> "Well, I don't have a slip with your name on it, did someone else drop it
> off?'
> Conversation drags on in this vein for another 5 minutes before the voice
> on the other end of the phone realizes they have to call the next shop
> number in the phone book hoping that THAT'S the shop they left their car
> at the previous week.
> http://www.autoweek.com/article/20100322/FREE/100329995
> I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  I have a cousin I warned against
> buying a BMW convertible (this is New England), after taking the massive
> wallop of the depreciation on a 2 year old BreakMyWallet, she's trying to
> sell it, because "German cars really suck in the snow."
> Yahoo nuked my website with no warning.
> Fight organized crime: Re-elect no  one...
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