'07 A3 2.0t Oil Consumption

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Thu Mar 25 08:39:29 PDT 2010

Both cars use Pentosin PentoHigh 5w40 synthetic oil for winter use :
API SM/CF and ACEA A3/B3/B4/C3

The urQ use 20W50 Mobil for summer use.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] De
la part de Grant Lenahan
Envoyé : 25 mars 2010 10:28
À : Andrée-Anne Bourgeois
Cc : quattro at audifans.com
Objet : Re: '07 A3 2.0t Oil Consumption

My 2.7t never used a drop even in heavy use.

I ack that one should choose an oil that does nto shear down at hgih 
temp - espedcially in a turbo. Is your oil ACEA A3/B4 rated?


Andrée-Anne Bourgeois wrote:
> Two comments :
> 1- An heavy foot will consume more oil. That's just the way it is with a
> turbo engine (IME).
> 2- Some cars are more prone to oil consumption, especially in city driving
> where the oil separator device can not reach operating temperature or
> is too strong or something else. I don't know the exact reason, but this
> a problem when I was at Renault, and it is a known problem on the Saab 2.3
> engine that we own.
> More, some oils are more prone to vaporize, so this augment the preceding
> sentences.
> We have this heavy oil consumption here in cold Montreal, it's just a
> Madame don’t have the same problem, but when I drive her car for a period
> time, oil consumption augment significantly. Her car is a turbo Saab. My
> 1983 urQuattro with a freshly rebuilt turbo engine drinks oil when I take
> her to a lapping session (at the ice racing track) but is otherwise
> normal. 
> But every now and then, the press cars I drive are low on oil, even if
> are always new cars. I justify this on the driving style of the other
> journalists, (not mine, obviously...:-)) hence my conclusions above. The
> last one that blipped the oil light was a 2009 535xi, a six cylinder turbo
> engine with less than 10 000 miles.
> About valve tapping, are you sure it is valve noise ? These 2.0T produce
> much noise from the injectors, specially the direct injection newer
> versions. Valve tap noise should clear after a few seconds, unless there
> a mechanical problem
> Louis-Alain
> Montreal
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] De
> la part de Jeffrey Brown
> Envoyé : 20 mars 2010 18:26
> À : quattro at audifans.com
> Objet : '07 A3 2.0t Oil Consumption
> Howdy,
> Is there any sort of established "normal" oil consumption for the 2.0t
> engine on my 2007 A3 (USA)?
> On a couple of occasions since I have owned it, I have gotten the oil
> light on the dash, have quickly stopped, and found that the dipstick
> was reading less than "min".  On both occasions I have topped off with
> about 1 quart of oil to rectify the situation.
> I had a scheduled maintenance at 23,251 miles on 10/9/2009 where I
> expressed my concerns to the service advisor who indicated that this
> was not a problem.
> I'm not sure I'm convinced only because I have owned many cars from
> many manufacturers and have never had oil consumption this noticeable.
> The current example would be I just now added 1 quart after driving
> 4,000 miles since my service appointment on 10/9/2009 when I was told
> it was not abnormal.
> Even my crappy 1983 Pontiac Bonneville didn't burn that much oil
> (granted it DID have a myriad of other issues)
> Coolant appears clean and oil shows no sign of being contaminated w
> coolant.  I have noticed zero oil spots in my parking space.  MPG has
> not changed one way or the other since I bought it
> I think this is normal, but what sounds like valve tapping has been
> pretty noticeable on this engine since new.  I had the same noises on
> my 2003 GTI with the 1.8t (but no oil consumption issues)
> Comments and suggestions welcome.
> Thanks!
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