Brake issue, NAC but VAG

brian hoeft qweblog at
Tue May 18 20:40:21 PDT 2010

if you dont have a pressure bleeder, careful dont push the pedal all the way
down during the bleed, but sounds to me like your brake master cyl is dying.
that seal seasons coming around again like it did last autumn, odd how
particular jobs stack up in groups..

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at> wrote:

> Patient's a 99 bug, 298K km (Audiless for now).
> After putting new pads on front, pedal travel increased, no other changes -
> brakes work fine.  No leaks, no ABS or other warning light stay on.
> Only thing I found in my search is to change the brake fluid, which is,
> indeed, overdue in this case.  I'll do that, just wondering re: any other
> BTDT's.
> Thanks all,
> Tihol
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