Quick CPS Replacement procedure
Robert Myers
bob at chips-ur-s.com
Sun Nov 7 11:20:50 PST 2010
I have used this same basic method on my urS6. You can dispense with
the friend if you can use a reasonably sized rubber cord to hold the
belt in position while doing the mechanical part of the work. Ten
minutes may be a bit optimistic but 15-20 minutes - you bet.
Here's the post you reported:
Easy way to do CPS on 93 s4...
well I had big help from some of the guys here on the forums..I was
asked to do a write up on how to change the cam sensor without having
to do the timing belt removal..
very easy do to:
first off
remove plastic cover of timing belt..
remove the air ducting that goes from the front of car to the airbox
area....why you ask I will tell you... If you try to remove the cam
spocket bolt with a wrench you dont get a good grip on it becuase of
the tight area..by removing the air duct you can get a socket and
extension and get good force on it..
now after the bolt is off there is a little 10mm bolt that holds the
plastic by the spocket that the wiring of the cps goes under... you
want to remove the bolt to be able to remove the wiring and also for
installing the new one.
Next with a friend remove the sprocket and have a friend keep tension
on it so the belt does not move...you may need a rubber hammer to get
it off the cam...now while your friend is swearing at you to hurry up
lol... remove the 2 5mm allen bolts holding the cps...I found it
really tight, use a flat head screw driver to pry it off if you have
to...mine broke when I did it but who cares in the garbage it goes...
..so to re install I used some antisieze on the cps bolts put it in
the same way..tighten down the bolts..and run the wiring back the
same way and the end of the wiring clips to the fuel rail area...now
that its installed tighen up the 10mm bold that keep the plastic
tight by the wiring...slip on the cam spocket tighten it up..add the
plactic timing cover and air duct and done... mine started up right
away and check engine light is not on... if I was to do it again I
bet I can do it in 10min...
Ps i didnt have the torque specs on the bolts if someone has please post them
I think I got it all..if something is not clear post up I will
reply...sorry I dont have pics guys right now its all together so
that would not help
big thanks to Dave F
Autobahnjs is offline
At 01:38 PM 11/7/2010, Jay M wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>Hi guys,
>I got the dreaded Check Engine Light on my UrS6 last time I drove
>car, parked it overnight and next day it did not start. Got code
>2113 so I am thinking my CPS has died after 150K miles. I would like
>some opinions from anybody that has replaced the CPS. I have 3 basic questions:
>1) Has anybody used the "10 minute" procedure described in the link
>at the end of this paragraph? It sounds so simple compared to others
>in the same link that have removed the hood cross member, hood
>cable, serpentine belt tensioner, etc. In the following sequence the
>only parts removed by the poster, "Autobahnjs" were 1) the top
>timing belt cover, 2) the air duct from front of car to air box, 3)
>Cam sprocket bolt, 4) 10mm bolt that holds the plastic by the
>spocket that the wiring of the cps goes under, 5) Remove cam
>sprocket with belt tie wrapped to sprocket to ensure correct
>position when reinstalling, 6)remove the two 5mm allen bolts holding
>the cps and unplug connector. Here is the link to the procedure I
>just described: http://forums.audiworld.com/showthread.php?p=18830882
>2) Does the serpentine belt tensioner or anything else at all,
>besides those two locking clips on the sides of the TB cover, need
>to be loosened or removed in order to remove the upper timing belt
>cover? It looks like just those two metal clips hold the upper TB
>cover on but I just want to be sure before I wrestle with my brittle
>plastic TB cover.
>3) Has anyone purchased just the BBHME301 Hall Sender for $14. plus
>shipping from http://www.bbautomacao.com/products.asp?cat=14 and
>installed BBHME301 Hall Sender by staggered wire cutting, spliced
>and soldered the three wires and then installed it to the old CPS
>bracket? Longevity of this cheaper unit? Any input will be
>appreciated. Thanks.
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