new ride!

Danton Jose Aurel Cardoso djacardoso at
Tue Nov 16 07:07:09 PST 2010

Oh, and one more thing- if Gunther was cranky, how come he was so

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Danton Jose Aurel Cardoso <
djacardoso at> wrote:

> Das gut!  Willing to sell the 1pc in exchange for my stock lenses?  I have
> an 98 A4 avant.  Here is a possible name for the new whip- Gretel?
> Who cares replacing black with black?  I am itching to get an S4, silver
> with black- like my A4, or charcoal grey- "black on a good day."
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 8:58 AM, thejimrose <thejimrose at> wrote:
>> hey boys n girls, thought i'd share a few glamor shots of my new toy.
>> after
>> 6 years and 90k miles Gunther, my cranky old german man of a 98 a4 1.8tqm]
>> has taken 2nd spot in the driveway. Replaced with an as yet to be named 08
>> a4 2.0tqm - it's a 6speed manual ti package car mit zee lovely black trim.
>> Found it in LA for a very good price and flew down to snag it. Bought on
>> thursday, rolled over to supreme power friday to have pss9's bolted on and
>> then to Rotiform to have some of their 19x8.5 mia's thrown on in schmancy
>> rootbeer metallic.
>> overall i am in LOVE with the b7. it's amazing. great power [all stock
>> currently] and turning 29mpg on the 50 mile r/t work commute. chassis
>> feels
>> like it's carved out of billet, interior is gorgeous. and the little
>> techie
>> things like bluetooth integration and bumwarmers are really nice [no nav
>> but
>> i wont mind getting lost]. stock suspension on these is AWFUL - harsh
>> *and*
>> sloppy somehow. bilsteins are perfect - firm but fair and beautifully
>> made.
>> although i do miss driving a car with a paint job i'm not really worried
>> about. driving this thing is terrifying. i'm suddenly driving like an old
>> lady. maybe a good thing. i only hope it proves to be as reliable as the
>> little 1.8 - that car only ever broke down on me 2x, both for the same
>> issue
>> [oe cat broke at slip joint] and the 2nd time was cuz the 1st time it
>> wasn't
>> fixed right. was a super solid little buggy. still is, was getting me to
>> work every day w/out fail.
>> you will see gunther soon in the classifieds section if any are interested
>> [yea yea shameless plug..]
>> looking forward to all the "you replace a black a4 with a black a4?"
>> jokes.
>> =)
>> cheers
>> jim
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> Danton J.A. Cardoso

Danton J.A. Cardoso

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