Anyone having trouble getting their messages spam blocked

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Thu Oct 14 04:53:35 PDT 2010

Well, this one made it through!  ;-)

 Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

From: rob <rob3 at>
To: quattro at
Sent: Thu, October 14, 2010 7:30:08 AM
Subject: Anyone having trouble getting their messages spam blocked

    Hi Gang,

    I just tried to post a question as to how to dismantle the screen washer 
jets on my old Audi 100 (type 44) and I got a msg back saying it was blocked 
pending moderator approval due to being spam rated.

    Seems a bit harsh for a two line enquiry from a long time member of the list 
and moderate poster.

    Any hints as to how to improve my chances of getting a message below the 
spam radar?

    Hoping someone gets this message!!

    Thanks Rob. 
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