Electricals Again TRANSMISSION CODE quattro Digest, Vol 84, Issue 28

mkb mkb125 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 15 13:10:26 PDT 2010

From: Scott <suffolkd at aol.com>

To: mkb125 at yahoo.com; quattro at audifans.com
Sent: Fri, October 15, 2010 3:59:59 PM
Subject: Re: Electricals Again  TRANSMISSION CODE quattro Digest, Vol 84, Issue 

Isn't the short code for the transmission (from VAG-COM) the one you get for 
placing a foot on the brake pedal?

If it is, its no a real fault code and every scan shows one as force of habit 
one pressed the brake getting in the seat.

-Scott by BOSTON

HI Scott,

I thought that this was true for the brake switch and not the transmission 
control module (maybe I'm wrong).  

If I do a quick scan without pressing the brake pedal, I do get the brake 
open/short error.  But, as you mention, if I press the brake before the scan, 
this error does not appear.  Also, in my case, it was the transmission control 
module reporting the error and what also happens is that the transmission range 
display in the dash lights up.  However, transmission shifting is just fine.

99 a6 2.8q avant
97 1.8qta


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