89 90q hot start, running rich

Peter Golledge petergolledge at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 20:26:28 PDT 2010


Check the engine temp sender is in spec and no wiring is broken/pinched.
I've had really bad warm starts from a sender wire pinched in a bracket and grounded.  As
with any CIS car the other candidates are hoses that warm up and leak like crazy when warm
through splits/rubber rot.

On 10/17/2010 7:41 PM, Vincent Gelinas wrote:
>    Hi, y'all!
> So I've pretty much figured out that my baby doesn't like to start after
> heat soak.  I'll drive her a mile to the laundromat and it'll start
> right up after I throw my clothes in, but after driving the 15 minutes
> to Wal-Mart and running in for cat food, it takes about 5 minutes of
> keeping the radiator fan on (via a/c button) to get it started again.
> And just like every other warm-start condition, it'll start and stumble
> and misfire, I'll shut it off and give it about 10 seconds, and then
> it'll start right up.  Vroom! I love the sound of that 5-cylinder starting.
> Now I'm not sure whether or not this is attributable to running rich,
> but I'll go to give the car more than about 30% throttle and it'll jerk,
> and stall.  No sputtering, just a straight stall.  Especially when hot.
> It makes it very difficult to get onto a freeway, as it takes me about
> 30 seconds or more to get to 65-70mph, and I feel sorry for the people
> behind me when I climb a hill, because I have to use a constant throttle
> state and row my gears.  I'll be doing about 20 in a 40 zone at the top
> of one of the hills near my house because I can't just give it more
> go-juice.
> Anyway, enough of my rambling.  Hopefully you can understand what I'm
> trying to say.
> Thanks in advance for the help,
> Vincent
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