How to center a steering wheel...

NIck Miller chance9121 at
Sat Oct 23 19:58:03 PDT 2010

You'll have to pull it off and center it maually.  Super F-U-N!  But not as
bad as one would think.

What car do you have?  Either way, in the bentley, look up steering wheel
removal.  The steering wheel is on a Splined shaft (like a CV drive shaft
into a hub)  And will move in about 2-5*  increments.  If you have the
ability, you'd want to set the wheels perfectly straight, take the steering
wheel off, and place it back on correctly.

its just as simple as that.  Should be, anyway, depending on your audi,
however all the models I know (T44, C4, C5, C5) are like this.  As are about
a million other cars.


On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Al <bournej at> wrote:

> after adjusting left and right toe in/out. I pretty much have my alignment
> done, but my steering wheel is turned 45 degrees off center.
> How can I fix that? I read the Bentley but don’t have a special tool.
> It drives me nuts going do the road and the wheel isn’t centered.
> Thanks,
> Al
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