Could someone do a quick ETKA check for me? audi audi audi full of audi content fcol

rob rob3 at
Sun Oct 24 04:42:17 PDT 2010

  I kid you not! Maybe they finally discoverd they could save a $ per 
thousand units if they actually downsized head sizes in a few cases!

    Of course if you don't beleive me you can go get it from the dealer, 
trouble is you may have to buy a bag of 15 units ;)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Huw Powell" <audi at>
To: "rob" <rob3 at>
Cc: "Andrée-Anne Bourgeois" <laraa at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: Could someone do a quick ETKA check for me? audi audi audi full 
of audi content fcol

>> the CGT bolts are 5mm longer of which the extra length is in the threaded
>> portion. One other difference is that the CGT item has a 16mm Hex head 
>> for
>> some reason whilst the type 44 bolt has 17mm - for what reason I have no
>> idea.
> You're kidding, right?  I have *never* used my 16mm sockets or wrenches. 
> In fact, I have whole swaths of wrench and socket sets that have never 
> been touched, due to VAG's 8-10-13-15-17 approach to hardware.
> -- 
> Huw Powell

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