MSD Blaster 2

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Thu Oct 28 05:14:35 PDT 2010

noo experience.  But aside from fit and manufacturing (water0-tight, etc) issues, coils are coils, and can be selected by specs.

So what's the step-up ratio and the max in/out voltages, and current?  Compatible? Go.
On Oct 27, 2010, at 10:22 PM, Vincent Gelinas wrote:

> Hello all!
> I was wondering, does anyone have experience using a Blaster 2 coil in 
> their rigs?  I know MSD is a good brand and the coil is a far sight 
> cheaper than even the generic brand replacement.
> Good, bad, ugly, please send your experiences my way.
> Thanks!
> Vincent
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Grant Lenahan
glenahan at

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