Fuel pressure testing on C4-100 (v6-2.8L) & C3-5000 (I5-turbo)

Peter Golledge petergolledge at gmail.com
Sun Sep 19 11:32:34 PDT 2010

JC Whitney have a fuel pressure "kit" for CIS which has the correct 
metric adapters for the MC motor.  Not sure what fittings are on the 100 
though.  These are cheap but many (including I) have used them to 
resolve the ugly issues of CIS and incorrect pressures.

On 9/18/2010 2:17 PM, William Magliocco wrote:
> I'm sure someone out there has already walked down this road, so allow me to ask
> for directions:
> Right now (immediately, if not sooner) I need to come up with the appropriate
> bits to measure the fuel pressure on my '93 Audi 100.  This being Audi/Bosch and
> all that, the fuel pressure test kits you see at the chain stores won't do the
> job (at least as packaged)...The car is hard starting when cold, it looks like
> low pressure.  Those who know this car know it lacks a test port on the fuel
> rail.  I am hoping it is NOT the fuel pump as I replaced that two years ago.
> Later on, I would like to use the same gauge (if possible) to measure the fuel
> pressure(s) in a 1987 5CSTQ I have stored away.  It used to start&  run no
> problem, but I think the fuel pump in it died a couple of years ago.
> So, if any of you out there have recommendations on what to buy and what
> adapters/fittings etc. I would need, please advise.
> Thanks
> Bill M.
> Atlanta
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