Boxster vs. bigger brakes

Cody Forbes cody at
Thu Apr 7 13:56:24 PDT 2011

FYI, WorldPac stocks all 3 sizes of A8q rotors:
8E0 615 301R - 312x25mm (used w/ ATE calipers) list price of $100ea or 
$175ea when cross drilled Zimmerman brand both ways
4D0 615 301J - 323x30mm (used w/ Lucas calipers) list price $140ea Zimmerman
4D0 615 301B - 345x30mm (used w/ Brembo calipers, I assume this means S8) 
list price of $140 Pilenga brand.

If you know somebody with a WP account (any local Euro shop for sure) and a 
friendly you can likely get a decent discount off that list price. Since I 
have an account and buy at wholesale I can get them for pretty cheap for 

As for calipers, yeah you are right that those are cheaper. New Porsche 
calipers are about $150 more each. I was planning on used Porsche calipers. 
I had considered Apikol brackets instead of making my own.

From: "Big Brake" <bigbrakeparts at>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 2:20 PM
To: "Cody Forbes" <cody at>
Cc: <s-car-list at>; <quattro at>
Subject: Re: Boxster vs. bigger brakes

> Because the price for one new padless caliper is $191 delivered when I
> bought them in 2008 from
> 323x30 A8 rotor is available in any auto parts store. Even with CNC
> operator charges on top of parts total is still less then any BIRA (or
> other) closed design identically sized kit.
> One may argue that of the shelf RS2 brackets, used Boxster S calipers
> and odd sized European only rotor is cheaper but I wanted new and off
> the shell local parts only.
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:
>> Ok, why did you choose this caliper over all of the other options out 
>> there?
>> -Cody
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Big Brake" <bigbrakeparts at>
>> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 9:51 AM
>> To: "Cody Forbes" <cody at>
>> Cc: <s-car-list at>; <quattro at>
>> Subject: Re: Boxster vs. bigger brakes
>>> It is Brembo, made in Italy.
>>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:
>>>> Looks cool. Why did you go that route instead of Bembos?
>>>> -Cody (mobile)
>>>> On Apr 6, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Big Brake <bigbrakeparts at> wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:
>>>>>> Everything exists when you have a mill and a lathe ;-).
>>>>> Then I would highly recommend doing what I did. Can share my drawings
>>>>> if you want. However fitting under 16 inch would be a big challenge.

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