[urq] High fuel prices ?

Danton J.A. Cardoso djacardoso at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 17:23:49 PDT 2011

Oh when is Audi going to wake up and bring us the full line with TDi,
quattro, a six-speed manual, or DSG?  How I would love to have an A4 with a
2.8-3.0 V6, TDi, quattro, and a six speed manual.  Sedan or Avant, don't
care.  Damn...$8.30 for Super!?!??!?  I paid $3.80 for craptastic 91, and
that is in Northeast MO.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Ingo Rautenberg
Sent: Tuesday, 12 April, 2011 19:19
To: Mark J. Besso
Cc: urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] High fuel prices ?

Incidentally, the current price in Germany for regular (91) is $8.30/gal and
Super (95) is $8.55/gal.  Feel better now?

-Ingo (not sent from my iPad2)
On Apr 12, 2011 8:09 PM, "Ingo Rautenberg" <ingo.rautenberg at gmail.com>
> Way off! Those are 2005 prices!
> -Ingo (not sent from my iPad2)
> On Apr 12, 2011 8:06 PM, "Mark J. Besso" <mbspeed at maxboostracing.com>
>> L-A,
>> If it's any consolation, you're not paying the highest price in the
>> world for your petrol.
>> Look at this list from CNN:
>> http://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/global_gasprices/
>> Filling my TT costs just over $75US right now.
>> ~MB
>> On 4/12/2011 6:40 PM, laraa at sympatico.ca wrote:
>>> So you 'staters think that 4$ a gallon is expensive ?
>>> Today, in Montreal, 1.42$ a liter (5.37$ a gallon). And that's for
> regular.
>>> So filling my urQ with Premium 91, that would be a whopping 140$ !
>>> Yikes !
>>> Louis-Alain
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