Car Rental

Danton J.A. Cardoso djacardoso at
Sun Apr 17 16:37:35 PDT 2011

Most car magazines call the Camry and the Accord, an "appliance."  I had a
hybrid Camry for a rental, talk about a ho-hum experience.  Seats and
headliner reminded me of mouse fur.  Fay sending good karma to you, and hope
you get your Audi.  You deserve it.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Fay Kelley
Sent: Sunday, 17 April, 2011 13:19
To: quattro at
Subject: Car Rental


I had to take my Mac to the Apple Store 
on Friday ... rented a car and got a 
Toyota Camry.

Really doesn't handle very well and was
*very* cramped ... but did get excellent
gasoline mileage.   We drove from Sedona
and all day around the metro area and think
we spent a total of $60 the entire trip.

But I think the Toyota for me is out.
My hubby didn't like riding in it either.

Next closing is May 17th ... so I'll keep
looking  ~   Cheers,   Fay

p.s.  Jim put U-joints in my Ram Van
and it is now running great.
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