lost key

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Mon Apr 18 03:18:19 PDT 2011

I have/had one key for my '90 Avant converted with a V8. When I took a job in
NY 6 months ago, my significant other asked for the key in case the car needed
to be moved. Now I can't find my key, and she denies I gave it to her.

So, what to do?  I tried briefly to fish a jimmy through the window stripping, 
but not knowing what it looks like behind the door, I couldn't feel something
to hook onto to lift the door lock.

Does anyone have a picture of the interior of the Type 44/V8 door?

I figure once I get the door open, I can remove the cylinder and take it to the 
local locksmith.

Any other suggestions to open the door and make a key?


Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1990 200 Avant mit V8 conversion
gone: too many to count, including my first, "Bad Puppy"

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