Charging C4 Battery using jumper positions

Dave dave.eaton at
Wed Aug 3 11:50:10 PDT 2011

interestingly, in my car the instruction is to charge the battery in-situ,
and to ensure it's vented.

'08 rs6 avant
'04 allroad tdi

On 4/08/11 1:43 AM, "Cody Forbes" <cody at> wrote:

>Right, sorry, lost that in the thread that it was a '96. I'm so used to
>C4 cars being 100's or S4's, I forget about the a6/s6 C4's.
>Ok so my point about ECU being disconnected when key off is invalid in
>this case. 
>Still I vote that it is perfectly acceptable and safe to charge with the
>battery in the car and connected. From completely dead charge at the
>lowest amp setting for somewhat less than the batteries amp hour rating
>(AH / amps = charging hours ie a 60AH battery @ 10 amps for less than 6
>hours, I'd say 5 hours, stop for 5min and measure voltage). If you have a
>2amp setting you might go halfway on the setting above that and then
>continue on 2amp to save time. Charging slowly will keep the battery more
>cool, keep it from venting noxious fumes as much as possible, with an old
>style charger will keep the voltage low, and I'm told is better for it's
>-Cody (mobile)

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