No start condition - 1988 90Q - THIRD UPDATE
Hayes Myers
hayesmyers at
Thu Aug 4 04:35:13 PDT 2011
I had same symptoms with a 'quarter' size hole in my igloo.. hence my vacuum
comment as well. you are getting there.
On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> Perhaps a huge "vacuum" leak in the intake?
> On 8/3/2011 10:26 PM, Radek wrote:
>> Hi guys;
>> Thanks to all who chimed in, we managed to get the motor to run briefly by
>> removing the igloo and pulling the air measuring plate up with pliers. So
>> it seems to be a fuel issue, probably somehow connected to the throttle
>> butterflies not operating properly. Planning to dismantle throttle body
>> tomorrow, also double check for vacuum leaks and change fuel filter.
>> Thanks.
>> Radek
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Radek
>> To: quattro at
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 10:47 PM
>> Subject: Fw: No start condition - 1988 90Q - SECOND UPDATE
>> Played with fuel pressure regulator (attached a vacuum pump to it) - no
>> difference.
>> Changed idle stabilization valve - no difference.
>> Advancing ignition timing seems to help - instead of a single fire we get
>> two or three, but still does no start.
>> An observation - does not fire at all with fully depressed throttle, but
>> will fire with throttle off.
>> When firing, sometimes loud knocking can be heard, seems to come from the
>> intake manifold - backfire?
>> Also, throttle body butterflies seem to be weird. The small one opens and
>> closes smoothly, but the large one only opens fully in one shot at WOT then,
>> when slowly released, snaps back with a loud ping. Is it supposed to work
>> like this? All levers and springs seem to be in place.
>> Planning to switch ECU tomorrow, hate to think about contortions necessary
>> to get deep into the passenger well.
>> Cheers;
>> Radek.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Radek
>> To: quattro at
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 12:21 PM
>> Subject: Re: No start condition - 1988 90Q - UPDATE
>> Fully charged battery overnight. Blinked out codes - nothing.
>> Replaced ignition cap, rotor and wires with good looking old set - got car
>> to sputter a bit. It seems to catch a bit initially and then no more. It
>> is actually catching when cranked with foot off the gas - with throttle
>> open, nothing at all.
>> Any ideas? Is there a way to check fuel pressure on these engines (NG)?
>> Radek.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Radek
>> To: quattro at
>> Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 9:46 PM
>> Subject: No start condition - 1988 90Q
>> In need of help again, my son's 90q is out of commission again.
>> Here is what he reported:
>> when trying to start the car, at the first or second crank he heard a bang
>> (a snap, something sounding mechanical) and smelled something weird under
>> the hood. The smell, he said, smelled of friction.
>> The car kept cranking, but no start. Came back home on a flatbed.
>> Here is what I checked till now:
>> - starter cranks the engine
>> - timing belt is OK
>> - valve train is moving (took rocker cover off to see if sprocket is not
>> sheared)
>> - has good compression
>> - timing belt alignment is OK (crankshaft to camshaft)
>> - distributor turns
>> - smells of gas when cranked
>> - seems to have spark (checked with wire touching enging block)
>> - coil resistance checks out OK
>> - Hall sensor works (blinks a diode)
>> Where to look next? I'm going to blink out error codes tomorrow,
>> mosquitoes chased us out tonight.
>> TIA
>> Radek
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