Checklist for Reliability of Older Audis

Huw Powell audi at
Tue Aug 16 18:16:32 PDT 2011

All the belts and hoses would be a good idea.

But I'd troubleshoot the electrics first, since they are going to be 
awful - the early 80s cars wiring and connectors were far from weatherproof.

If you're going to put a lot of work into it, you should either swap in 
a later underhood fusebox, or buy mine.

On 8/16/2011 12:52 PM, TWFAUST at wrote:
> "I realize that the car is old, but I'm hoping to put together a basic
> checklist of items to verify to help ensure reliability."
> I am in basically in the same position with my '82 CGT, It reads 45K, but I
>   suspect more like 95K. The inspection sticker  indicates I haven't used it
>   in 5 years. I am thinking of putting it back on the road. Since the
> Germans  stuck to rubber far longer than the rest of the world, are there any
> seals or  gaskets I should particularly worry about?
> It currently has "green death" in the fuse box, so I expect electrics will
> be a problem.
> Tom Faust
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