Is it possible to repair the "Computer" (ICU) (Marc Boucher)

Jan Pinkowish jpinkowish at
Fri Aug 26 11:24:38 PDT 2011


Did you mean to write "resistance between pin 2 and 3 when NOT wide open throttle = infinite" and not the 0.2 ohms? 

Also a good time to check how far from open throttle the WOT switch engages and compare to Mr. Bentleys recommendation. 

Jan Pinkowish 

'85 4ksq 

----- Original Message -----

From: quattro-request at 
To: quattro at 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 10:56:25 AM 
Subject: quattro Digest, Vol 94, Issue 48 

Message: 2 
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 02:24:40 -0400 
From: Marc Boucher mboucher70 at 

Subject: Re: Is it possible to repair the "Computer" (ICU) 


Throttle switch testing performed as precursor to ECU output tests.   
Result: Resistance between pin 1 and 2 when throttle closed = 0.2 ohms 
Resistance between pin 1 and 2 when throttle opened = infinite 
Resistance between pin 2 and 3 when Wide Open Throttle = 0.2 ohms 
Resistance between pin 2 and 3 when NOT Wide Open Throttle = 0.2 ohms 
Throttle switches functioning.  Can proceed to ECU Output tests. 

Thanks Again to all for any suggestions as to what I could test or try next. 


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